Types of produce and goods available -
A: Any vegetable grown by the seller from seeds, sets, or seedlings.
B: Any fruits, nuts or berries grown by the seller from trees, bushes, or vines on the
member’s property.
C: Any plant grown by the seller from seed, seedling, transplant or cuttings.
D: Bulbs propagated by the seller.
E: Eggs produced by the seller’s poultry.
F: Honey produced by the seller’s bees.
G: Cut, dried flowers or natural items grown by the member.
H: Preserves, pickles, relishes, jams, jellies, made by the seller. No other canned foods
such as green beans, tomatoes, corn, peas, carrots, etc. may be sold.
I: Baked Goods: Baked goods must follow all county and state laws applicable to such sales
and shall verify that they will comply when submitting their application, including, but not limited to, North Carolina Department of Agriculture (NCDA) and local health department regulations.
I: Poultry, Beef, Lamb
K: Homemade and handmade craft items
